Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Organizing Addiction

You know, I never liked the game tetris growing up. I didn't like many games at all, except for things like the Sims and Carmen San Diego. Anyways, you wouldn't know it by how much I love organizing now. You would expect me to be a tetris expert!

I joke with my boyfriend that he is like a squirrel. When he doesn't know where to put something, he stuffs it away in a drawer or a closet and then forgets about it. And then every time I feel like reorganizing a closet (about once a month) I found a trove of random things that don't belong anywhere. And that is my big problem. I need everything to have a place where it belongs.

Here is the thing where you may call me crazy- I don't care if things are out of their place. As long as I know where they can be put back. So I'm a strange combination of messy and organized.

I'm working on reorganizing our main closet, which serves as our largest storage and a kind of make shift pantry, in our apartment. I've really let it get out of hand. I'll post updates as I go along!

Keep posted for lots more posts about my organization projects- we are also reorganizing the guest room/ office. It's going to be a crazy before and after.

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